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Safe Rigging and Slinging Training

Safe Rigging and Slinging Training

One of the biggest responsibilities of crane operators is rigging. Rigging loads is a skilled art, as well as an engineering discipline. The very nature of lifting, moving, and holding loads implies a certain risk, which through training and experience can be minimized. This training provides an overview of many aspects of safe load rigging […]

Confined Space Safety Training

Confined Space Safety Training

Working in confined spaces can be very dangerous and you must need to aware of the risks associated with and their preventive measures. This training ensures that all employees are given suitable and appropriate knowledge to carry work safely. This will include emergency procedures and if required training in the use of breathing apparatus.

Safe Use of Fork Lift Truck

Safe Use of Fork Lift Truck

 Forklift Safety Training Teaches:  Moving with and without a load also as learning and stacking a load  Special considerations, like trailers, ramps, and elevators  Non-operator safety training for those that work around forklifts  Who Would Benefit:  Forklift operator trainers  Forklift operators  Warehouse/shipping/receiving managers  Construction site managers  Safety managers  Safety committee members  Operations managers

Environmental Management System

Environmental Management System

After Get Trained By us you will be able to have Knowledge of environmental aspects and impacts, the Ability to judge aspect significance, Knowledge of local environmental legislation, and also enables the auditor to understand relationships between human activities and the environment.

Workplace Violence Training

Workplace Violence Training

Workplace Violence training is designed to help employees recognize and report red flags of workplace violence so that potential problems can be addressed before they escalate.  To get a free quote for your business email us at info@iehsas.com

Defensive Driving Training

Defensive Driving Training

Defensive driving refers to the practice of drivers who deliberately reduce their driving risk. Safety precautions reduce the risk of a collision or an incident and can also save costs associated with vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption, with better driving and stability. Awareness is the key to safe driving, making sure you are aware of […]

Compress Gas Cylinder Training

Compress Gas Cylinder Training

Compresses gas cylinders are used by industries in a wide range and settings in the work environment. The appropriate handling, utilization, and care of this cylinder are critical to your safety and that of your colleagues. Compressed gas cylinders can possibly establish hazardous working environments. Both mechanical and chemical hazardous substances can be made if […]

Safe Use of Hand & Power Tools Training

Safe Use of Hand & Power Tools Training

To avoid accidents in the workplace due to improper use of hand tools, it is important for employees to understand the proper use of these materials. Managers and departmental guidelines should encourage staff to discuss their concerns about the dangers of using hand tools. During the session, each employee should use appropriate hand tools. It […]

Safe Use of Earth Moving Machine Training

Safe Use of Earth Moving Machine Training

Heavy equipment is important for construction jobs of just about any size, from home building to large-scale commercial and civil projects. Earth-moving equipment covers a broad range of machines that will excavate and grade soil and rock, alongside other jobs.