AED/CPR Awareness Courses
Who’s the course for?
A supervisor who has to monitor the location of the underground apparatus, the setting up of road works for sites within the highway and the carrying out of excavation in the highway, backfilling and reinstatement using hot and cold-lay bituminous materials.
To provide supervision with the skills and knowledge required to ensure that work carried out meets the standard requirement by the AED/CPR Awareness work Act 1991.
Courses Content:
- Interpretation of plans
- Identification of apparatus
- Implications of damage to the apparatus
- Use of pipe and cable location equipment
- Excavation technique
- Supporting of utilities’ apparatus
- Selection and storage of excavated material for re-use
- Placing and compaction of backfill and sub-base materials
- Laying and Compaction of Hot and Cold-lay bituminous
- Cleaning and preparation of formation layer
- Disposal of surplus materials
- Safe working practices
Training Methods:
Methods of Assessment:
Candidates will be an assessment by written
Assignments and observation exercises.